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What is "Default Payroll" and how do I set it up for running my payrolls?

What is Default Payroll?

Default Payroll will pre-populate your payroll information.  You won't have to re-enter the same payroll information over and over again. This is good for employees/contractors that have the same earnings and deductions on every payroll.

Set Up Default Payroll

  1. Click Payroll in the navigation 
  2. Click Begin/Continue Payroll 
  3. On Enter Payroll, click “Set Up Default Payroll”. You’ll be asked if you’re sure you want to leave the page.
  4. In the “Add” column, check the box to select all your employees/contractors. You must select all employees in order to use Auto Payroll.
  5. Fill out the payroll values for earnings and other compensation you want processed on every payroll. 
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the “Save & Apply to Payroll Entry” button.
  7. Your Default Payroll is all set!
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