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Where do I get my State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) rate?

The following list displays standard new business SUI rates for each state. For existing businesses, please contact your state for your current SUI Rate information. Rates listed do not include assessments or surcharges unless indicated.

New Rate
Alabama 2.70%
Alaska 1.69% - 2.10% AK has a 0.50% EE contribution rate not included
Arizona 2.00%
Arkansas 3.30% Includes 0.4% stabilization tax
California 3.40%
Colorado 1.70% Bond principal rate 24.47% of the ER base rate (which makes it 2.12%)
Connecticut 4.30%
Delaware 1.9% (3.7% -8.2% construction)
District of Columbia 2.70%
Florida 2.70%
Georgia 2.62%
Hawaii 2.40%
Idaho 1.488% Includes workforce training and admin reserve fund taxes
Illinois 3.55% (4.65% construction) Includes 0.55% fund-building surtax
Indiana 2.50% (3.51% construction)
Iowa 1.00% (6.00% construction)
Kansas 2.70% (6.00% construction)
Kentucky 2.70% (10.00% construction) Does not include a mandatory 0.21% interest surcharge
Louisiana 1.22% - 3.04%
Maine 2.04% Includes 0.06% Competitive Skills Scholarship Fund rate
Maryland 2.6% (7.5% out of state construction)
Massachusetts 1.87% (8.38% construction) Does not include a mandatory 0.81% solvency assessment and 0.056% workforce training fund surcharge
Michigan 2.70% (7.7% construction)
Minnesota 1.59% (8.44% construction) Does not include a mandatory 0.10% workforce development fee
Mississippi 1.16% Includes 0.16% workforce investment and training fund assessment
Missouri 3.51% (4.362% construction)
Montana 1.00% - 2.60% Does not include a 0.08% - 0.18% administrative fund tax
Nebraska 1.25% (5.4% construction)
Nevada 2.95% Does not include a 0.05% Career Enhancement Program (CEP) and 0.29% bond rate
New Hampshire 1.50% Does not include a mandatory 0.2% administrative contribution rate
New Jersey 3.2825% Does not include a 0.1175% Workforce Development Fund
New Mexico 1.20% - 3.24%
New York 4.10% Includes a mandatory 0.525% - 0.925% Subsidiary Tax and a 0.075% Re-employment Service Fund rate
North Carolina 1.00%
North Dakota 1.62% (10.72% construction)
Ohio 2.70% (6.40% construction)
Oklahoma 1.50%
Oregon 2.60%
Pennsylvania 3.6785% (10.1947% construction) Includes 5.1% Employer Surcharge Adjustment
Rhode Island 2.27% Does not include a 0.21% Job Development Fund
South Carolina 1.33% Does not include a 0.06% Contingency Assessment Surcharge
South Dakota 1.00% - 1.20% (3.00% - 6.00% construction) Does not include a 0.55% investment fee
Tennessee 2.70% - 7.00%
Texas 2.70%
Utah 0.20% - 7.20% (includes surcharge) Includes 0.3% social cost surcharge
Vermont 1.00% - 6.40%
Virginia 2.57% (6.27% out of state contractor) Includes 0.07% Pool Cost charge
Washington 90% of average industry rate Does not include a 0.02% Employment Administration Fund.  Includes 0.10% - 0.30% Social Cost Factor
West Virginia 2.70% (8.50% out of state construction)
Wisconsin 3.25% - 3.40% (6.60% construction)
Wyoming 1.27% - 3.85% Includes a 0.16% Ineffective Adjustment Factor and a 0.11% Employment Support Fund and Fund Balance
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