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What payroll reports are available?

Payroll Summary Report - Detailed information about each employee who was paid for that pay period and what your liability is for the payroll. 

Pay Stubs - Displays an image of each employee’s check for that pay period. 

Company Retirement Report - Shows employee and company retirement contributions for the current pay period, MTD, and YTD. Reflect the employee's hours and earnings, as well as a list of their catch-up contributions (current, MTD, YTD). Please note this report is PIN protected. 

Benefits Report - This shows the employees’ benefits (vacation, sick, etc.). It lists the balances, what accrued in the current pay period and also YTD balances. 

Department Summary Report - This lists the department’s gross pay totals, employer taxes and the retirement match, for the current pay period, MTD and YTD. 

Department Detail Report - Shows each employee’s department totals (if department codes are set up) and will subtotal each employee within the department. Lists gross pay totals by department, employer taxes and the retirement matches for the current pay period, MTD, and YTD. 

Cash Requirement Report - Shows all monies needed to fund your account for the current pay period. 

New-Hire Report - Shows all the new-hire reporting filed on your behalf. Please note it is PIN protected. 

Year-to-Date Report - Allows you to choose which check and/or year for which you’d like to view an employee's history of earnings, taxes, deductions, and net pay. 

Check Register Report - This report allows you to choose which check date and/or year you would like to display. You’ll see each employee’s name, check date, check number, and net pay. You are able to go to the pay stub area from here. 

Workers' Compensation Report - Reflects your employees' hours and wages worked within the range of check dates selected. 

Employee Detail Report - Shows each employee's indicative information at a glance in one report. Please note it is PIN protected. 

Deductions Report - Displays each employee’s deductions: Pre/Post-Tax Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts & Other post-tax Deductions and the amounts withheld for each. 

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