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What are the Default Other Compensation earning types?


Discretionary pay in addition to usual compensation, fully taxable as regular compensation. Commonly paid separately on an additional check or with the employees regularly scheduled pay.


Fully taxable holiday pay provided in a dollar amount (may be used for such things as New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, etc.).


Compensation for company paid sick time, fully taxable earnings.


Pay in addition to usual compensation for transacting a piece of business or performing a service, fully taxable as regular compensation. Commonly paid separately on an additional check or with the employees regularly scheduled pay.

Other (Taxable)

Pay in addition to usual compensation for transacting a piece of business or performing a service, fully taxable as regular compensation. Commonly paid separately on an additional check or with the employees regularly scheduled pay.


Fully taxable holiday pay provided in a dollar amount (may be used for such things as New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, etc.).

Expense (No Tax)

Compensation as reimbursement for charges incurred by an employee in the performance of work, non-taxable compensation.


Compensation for company paid personal time, fully taxable earnings.

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