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What default company earnings are available?

Default Earnings are automatically set up in our system for your company and will always be available for you to use when processing payroll. The Default Earnings Types include:

Regular Hourly Earnings

Compensation paid at the employee's per hour rate for services performed, fully taxable. Paid through "Regular Hours" for "Hourly Employees" on the Payroll Entry screen.

Regular Salary Earnings

Fixed compensation paid at the employee's salary per period rate for services performed, fully taxable. Paid through "Regular Dollars" for "Salaried Employees" on the Payroll Entry screen.

Overtime Earnings

Earnings paid at the overtime rate for hours worked beyond the employees regular schedule.

Other Hours

Fully-taxable employee compensation paid at the employee's Other Rate (hourly rate), fully taxable. Paid through "Other Hours" on the Payroll Entry Screen.

Regular 1099 Earnings

Payment to independent or sub-contractors for services performed, non-employee compensation not subject to payroll taxes. No deductions can be taken from 1099 earnings. Paid through "Regular Hours" for "Hourly Employees" or "Regular Dollars" for "Salaried Employees" on the Payroll Entry screen.

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