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The check isn’t aligned properly with the check stock. How do I adjust it?

If fields aren’t aligned properly, it’s easy to adjust the alignment.

  1. Under the Payroll tab, click "Print Checks".

  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on the “Check Templates” link under the “Check Printing” heading.

  3. Scroll down and click on the “Adjust Template Alignment” button.

  4. Confirm that you want to adjust your alignment.

  5. On the "Adjust Templates" screen, you can adjust your template in any direction by clicking the up, down, left or right buttons. You can adjust a maximum of 8 positions (1/3 inch) in any direction.

  6. Once you have made your adjustments, print a test check to ensure your changes have fixed your alignment issues.

  7. Once everything is aligned correctly, click on the “Save Template” button.
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