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How do I pay my hourly employee?

The employee setup must be completed before you can pay an hourly employee.

If your employee's setup is complete, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Payroll and select Start/Continue Payroll.
  2. On the Payroll Entry page, the first section will contain the Hourly Employees.
  3. Find the employee’s name and enter the hours for the regular earning.
  4. If there are other earnings to pay the employee, click "+Add Overtime / Other Rates". Select the earning from the menu, and enter the hours.
  5. If you need to pay the employee any other compensation, select the type from the menu and enter the amount.
  6. To edit time off, deductions or departments, click on the pencil next to the item and enter the information.
  7. Repeat these steps for additional employees. Remember to save often!
  8. Continue processing payroll. 
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